Minggu, 31 Maret 2013

our time wrong

Haha sebenernya saya nggak niat nulis apa-apa disini *abaikan* saya nggak tau mau ngomong apa yang penting sebuah confession kalo di pendam itu nggak enak. *heh-_-* tapi bener deh perasaan gue akhir2 ini kalut…*nahlo! Ketelen omongan sendiri* gue bilang kalau gue itu anti galo. But, the perfect person is nobody so am i._.
Nah entah kenapa gue tuh jadi gelisah soal nilai2 gue yang cenderung melesat kebawah alias menurun *rempong dah* haha saya juga gak tau apakah ini pengaruh era globalisasi atau sayanya aja yang kurang bisa ngatur waktu. Jangan tanyakan pada saya, karena kenapa? Saya tak tahu? *plak*
Haha saya jadi gak jelas alias ngaco gini nih. Pertama, kenapa NILAI AKADEMIS itu selalu membuat saya galo permisah? Apa lagi yang berhubungan dengan exact -_-a jan tanya ah. Paling Cuma hapalan-hapalan gitu yang gampang dan menghasilkan banyak nilai cepe. Tinggal merem dapet cepe, udah gitu doing susah-susah amat :p btw… bahasa gue kok jadi aneh kek gini ya? Ahaha no coment :p
Tapi serius deh yang penting nilai yang saya dapetin itu murni jadinya bebas nyontek tapi kadang pengawas juga sih kalau natap pasti setajam piso sampe saya jadi lupa soal-soal dan terpaku ke pengawas. Plis deh saya gk bakalan nyontek kenapa pengawasnya mandang kek gitu ke saya-_- padahal saya Cuma ngeliat jam doang -_-a
Ok… Seriously I have another problem about my crush. I wanna use English because why? There’s so many Stalkers yang berkeliaran dan diem-diem pengen tahu kehidupan pribadi saya *kepedean* haha jadi ngelantur gini kan.
Once upon a time *cen…serius deh ini bukan dongeng*
Oke… jadi suatu hari tanggal berapanya saya lupa maklum lah amnesia akut *wkwkwk :p* there’s a competition of scout when I selected to be a judges of Scout Intellegent <-- bener gak tulisannya? ._.
Haha howly knowly I was really confuse because I don’t bring a pen to judge *gak modal ya?* so, I borrowed a pen younger classes ._. sampe sekarang tuh pulpen belum dibalikin *wah…maling nih…maling* tapi serius, saya nggak begitu kenal sama seseorang yang minjemin pulpen ke saya jadi maklum yak -_- entar pulpennya gue ganti dengan harga atu juta *gk janji lho :p* then I’m starting to judge the participant, I’m the 2nd Judge and my teacher is the 1st Judges.
After finish the first round. Haha be a judges is not easy alias REMPONG. Haha opini saya gitu keknya, abaikan aja karena sesat wkwkwk.  Setelah itu saya koreksi-koreksi jawaban-jawaban para peserta dan ada seorang panitia duduk di sebelah saya dan bantuin saya ngoreksi. Wkwwkwk
What is it? I feel like…like different. My heart can’t stop the beat *iyalah kalo berhenti berdetak itu artinya mati :p* yea… that a little thing called love? Or something like that. It imposibble. I've told myself. I no longer want to fall in love and have a romance.  Oh my got! It’s amazing that we got this far *malah nyanyi*
I'm confused ... Why the feeling of love is said to be coming anytime. Oh my got, I recently hurt by something called love or attraction to a boy. but love is not only for couples who are in love or so. can also to parents, valuables or clumps sway.*ignore it*
Seriously, I’m falling in love with him. I hear the beat of my heart getting louder whenever I near him. Heheh mau tau ciri2nya? Wani piro? Wwkwkkw jangan ah -_-
Wherever I go he is always beside me. *Cyaaahhh nge fly ke langit ke tujuh* #okeinilebay. He is Handsome like a prince, Clever like Newton or something like that. *pehatian! Yang namanya oran lagi jatu cinta bisa aja ngubah Andhika (kangen band) jadi Robert Pattinson. Wkwkw gk juga sih, ganteng  itu relatif, but for me? He is not. Also another girl who falling in love with him. He’s anything my typical SWEET SURPRISE! But….but I dont know if this is common or not. because the people I like, 3 years underneath. Wew…
So, when we’ll start the 2nd round of the competition. I’m search on for the 1st judges, where is she? Haha I think she is already homey. so, I took the initiative to be the main judges. And I choosed him to be the 2nd Judges and he’s agree. You know what I feel now… it’s so AMAZING!  at the moment we talk a lot. I'm so glad, I do not mind if time stopped.
times passed. He had changed, when I greet him ignore something wrong? :
I do not understand. why our time is always wrong?

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