Cerita lagi yuk tentang aku dan gadis Jerman-Turki_Arab. Iya, dia udah balikan lagi sama aku, ceritanya udah temenan lagi nih. Semenjak aku Chatt sama dia pake bahasa Indonesia.
Aku: dulu kita berteman baik. tapi kenapa sekarang kau memutuskannya? apa aku salah?
Dia: could you please leave me alone? -.-
Aku: uhm...okey. can you give me real reason why you removed me?
Dia : I don't really know you.. sorry,
Aku: but the first time we are good friends.Are I'm annoying?
Dia: no no no. you aren't! but I don't know you in private.. I mean. Actually... I don't know you. but let's see.
Aku: yes. okey, because im from indonesia. because we are different races. I just want to be friends with people from other country. is it wrong?. we did not know each other in private. but at least we are friends and often talk.
Dia: I am not racist or something like that. Well, okay. I'll add you.
Aku: thank you. but, do you mind?
Dia: It's okay :)
Aku: . so, are we friends?
Dia: I think yes :D
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Akhirnya aku berteman sama dia lagi. Kupikir dia itu orangnya rasis. Tapi dia baik juga! Berbeda ras bukanlah halangan untuk berteman!